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On India and Gluttony 01.15.2010

Posted by Dan Sheehan in BnB.

This isn’t so much about either of the title subjects but rather about an eating challenge put on by local Seattle restaurant, Rizzo’s French Dip.  The challenge is to consume two feet of their famous french dip sandwich and the accompanying sides.  I have always wanted to participate in a food based challenge but, I have always wussed out.  It just so happens that this attempt will happen as Kelsey and I are about to leave Seattle for travels in India.  So, pen this experience on the “Things to Do Before I Leave Seattle” list.

How does one go about eating 6lbs of food?  Well, a quick Google search can reveal competitive eating pages.  The one how-to consistent among them is: prepare your stomach.  So last night, I made some pasta.  In cream sauce with cheese (gorgonzola), bacon (12oz), arugula (uh…rocket), walnuts (toasted), and capers (…salty).  All told it was four pounds of stomach filling goodness.  Fullness hit about a third of the way through and from then on it was all mental.  As my stomach stretched I had to continue to tell my mind to keep eating.  The last few bites were the hardest and longest.  forty minutes later, it was gone (the French Dip must be consumed in an hour).  The rest of the evening was spent lying down, prone and periodically groaning.  Fotunately, the challenge won’t be till next week.  I still have time to prepare the stomach.

Oh yeah, and I’m going to India…and Turkey.  Woo!  more on that (and the changes to BnB) to come.

On and no one has been successful at Rizzo’s challenge.  Check out the attempts here.  Frank seems like quite the character.


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